Young Scientist Spotlight: Boyan Slat
Boyan Slat was born in the Netherlands in 1994. He was interested in Science and Engineering from a young age. When he was 14, he (along with help from some Delft University of Technology students) launched 213 water rockets.
Fashion from Plastic Waste
Adidas is one of the biggest names in the sports shoe business. What isn’t as well known is that they are also very committed to reducing the amount of plastics consumed.

Now You See Them, Now You Don’t
Human beings use a lot of plastic. Plastic is cheap and convenient and can be used in almost everything. This plastic addiction has led to big problems for the environment, especially the oceans.
Young Scientist Spotlight: Annie Ostojic
Annie Ostojic began winning state and national recognition for her scientific projects and inventions as a 9-year-old student at Frank Hammond Elementary School. She won her grade division at the Indiana State Science Fair in Indianapolis for her project, “Bee a Good Packer,” which explored prism shapes for better container packing.