by editor | Mar 5, 2020 | Environment, Plastic, Trash, Young Scientist
Boyan Slat was born in the Netherlands in 1994. He was interested in Science and Engineering from a young age. When he was 14, he (along with help from some Delft University of Technology students) launched 213 water rockets.
by editor | Mar 1, 2020 | Environment, Ocean, Plastic, Recycling, Trash
Adidas is one of the biggest names in the sports shoe business. What isn’t as well known is that they are also very committed to reducing the amount of plastics consumed.
by editor | Feb 23, 2020 | Environment, Slider, Trash
Human beings use a lot of plastic. Plastic is cheap and convenient and can be used in almost everything. This plastic addiction has led to big problems for the environment, especially the oceans.
by editor | Jan 14, 2020 | Coral, Environment, Marine Life, Ocean
Keeping a saltwater aquarium is a beautiful and popular hobby. It’s also an expensive one. There’s the cost of the tank, the fish, the equipment, and of course, the coral. Aquarium coral can cost anywhere from $40 for beginner corals, up to $300 for exotic types.
by editor | Jan 10, 2020 | Coral, Coral Reefs, Environment, Marine Life, Ocean
Coral reefs are famous for their brilliant colours. What many people don’t realize is that the coral themselves are white. They get those fabulous colours via a symbiotic relationship with tiny plants called zooxanthellae that usually live inside the coral.
by editor | Jan 4, 2020 | Coral, Environment, Marine Life, Ocean
As a rule, coral eat tiny floating animals called zooplankton. It’s a pretty passive way of getting a meal. But there’s a new study that shows that some coral might be more aggressive about their dinner.