Take a Deep Breath

Freediving has a very simple premise: you, underwater. That’s it. No SCUBA tanks or any other breathing assistance. Just you, holding your breath for as long as you can. Simple, but increasingly popular, and potentially very dangerous.

Beating Climate Change

Coral is picky. Too hot, too cold, not enough sunlight, too much sunlight, too much salt in the water, pollution; coral is the Goldilocks of the ocean world.

Limpet, Heal Thyself…

Bioengineers at Trinity University in Dublin, Ireland, have discovered that limpets, a marine mollusk with a shallow conical shell, are able to remodel their shells when damaged.

Coral Teamwork

As a rule, coral eat tiny floating animals called zooplankton. It’s a pretty passive way of getting a meal. But there’s a new study that shows that some coral might be more aggressive about their dinner.